
Tadashi Filters — how to

How to Shoot Pictures in the Rain!

How to Shoot Pictures in the Rain!

Shooting pics in the rain is awesome. What are you afraid of getting wet??? Hustle your crew together, weather proof your camera and flashes and go get out there! Marshall Manuel, powerslide Choose a lens, get your camera and fisheye protector. Today we are shooting with the Nikon D800, 10.5mm nikon, and PRO Fisheye Protector Get a rain sleeve! We bought an OP TECH USA rain sleeve, size small, from Samy's Camera, 2 for $8.25. If your on a budget one can just use a clear plastic bag and slit a hole for the lens to tightly squeeze thru on the...

Bastien Regeste, Guest Photographer Photo Shoot

Bastien Regeste, Guest Photographer Photo Shoot

French photographer, Bastien Regeste, came out and tried our Fisheye Protector. Bastien assuming the position!  Billy Buttertooth snapping an ollie! Not bad, let's double check the angle and see if we can get in closer... Now that's the spirit! Get In Closer!!

Shooting in the Danger Zone

Shooting in the Danger Zone

A behind the scenes look of how an extremely close skate pic is captured.  Adrian Mallory at the Flowershop  Shot with: Nikon D810 Nikon 10.5mm Fisheye 2 Q-Flashes 1 SB-800 Flash Pocket Wizards Mini TT1 The BASIC Fisheye Protector. Settings: 1/640 shutter, F7.1 & ISO 200 Tips: be quick on your feet and be prepared for lots of trial and error! Danger Zone!  Getting in closer! Is this one too close?? Since we got the flashes already out, fs smith tailgrab

Rain Skating! How to weather proof your camera.

Rain Skating! How to weather proof your camera.

Rainy days are the worst. But now you can weather proof your camera and get out there and have some fun. Just throw together an old complete, follow these steps below and go shred! Here Elissa Steamer slashes thru a puddle. Fisheye Protector used with a OP/Tech Rainsleeve (small size) will help keep it from getting wet. For video The Cam Caddie handle works great with the rig as seen in the youtube video at the bottom of the post. Harrison Hafner gets in on the fun before the puddles dry out. Here's the rig in action: