Tadashi Filters — Andrew Langi

The Opening of Hilltop Park "The Dish"

The Opening of Hilltop Park "The Dish"

Clips of the renovated Hilltop Park AKA "The Dish" on 12/03/16. Built by Gridline Skateparks Riders: Marshall Manuel, Chris Jatoft, Elijah Akerley, Louie Elliott, Jafin Garvey, Andrew Langi, Demarcus James, and Josh Mattson. Music: Émile Waldteufel - The Skater's Waltz, Op. 183

Andrew Langi brutally hits the lens!

Andrew Langi brutally hits the lens!

Risky angles aren't so risky anymore. Tadashi Filters can be sacrificed to protect your fisheye. Get In Closer.   Rider: Andrew LangiFilmed: Billy ButtertoothMusic: Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata